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These 5 signs in a man indicate that he wants to break up!

The beginning of a story is always like this, just in time, caught off guard. The end of the story is always like this, two flowers bloom, and the sky is the other way round.

Is the fate between people always so shallow? Love in the end, are inevitably miserable end?

In fact, feelings are alive, will also experience the process of burgeoning, flourishing, turning, decay.

Only some feelings stop at the lips and teeth, covered in the years, before the beginning has been dissipated;

Some feelings are wrong from the beginning, and can not withstand a little rain and wind;

Some feelings are in the passage of time covered with fine dust, we forget the original vow, no longer cherish, only to let the feelings prematurely towards the decline of the situation.

We often say that there is never a sudden breakup, all breakups, there are signs.

The person who decides to break up is the one who has thought about it countless times before making the decision.

So, what are the signs that a guy has, which are the signs before a breakup?


Starting to dislike counting you

When he doesn’t love you, you even breathe wrong.

When a man wants to break up, he will unconsciously begin to use a cool eye to observe you, judge you, he began to think, you are all over the body is wrong, a word is harsh, not used to.

He began to think that you nagging words too much every day, like a housewife, began to dislike you eat more than pay attention to the body, dislike you love to spend money, will not live.

He even can’t help counting on you: “Why are you so slow? Why does it take so long to wash your hair?” “I told you I wouldn’t let you buy these shoes! See now you’re saying they’re rubbing your feet! Can you walk faster!”

He couldn’t help the impatience hanging on his face anymore.

He sometimes thinks you’ve changed and become unappealing, but it’s really just the way he looks at you that’s changed.


Not caring

One of the most important manifestations of love is caring, that is, thinking that you are different from others, but a man who wants to break up with you will confront you with indifference.

He began not to care about your daily life, do not care about what happened in your work, do not care about what interesting people you met, do not want to care about whether you have eaten, sleep well at night, not willing to take the trouble to prepare a surprise for you, do not care if you are not happy.

For him, you begin to become a home worn out furnishings, his eyes swept past, often like sweeping through a piece of air.

When a man began to ignore you, in fact, he is slowly leaving you in the process.


Cold violence

When a boyfriend wants to break up, he is usually giving up treatment for your relationship and intends to watch the remaining love being slowly worn away by time.

He is no longer willing to face your previous problems because he feels that it is a dead end that can not be solved.

When you want to discuss your relationship with him, he will tell you: everything is you think too much, I do not mean that, there is nothing wrong between us.

Once you have a fight, he will be anxious to sleep badly at night, the next morning with a huge black eye to find you, dinner to send gifts to apologise, must be coaxed to you happy to rest assured.

But now, even if you quarrel at night before going to bed, he will pretend to have fallen asleep, and wait for you to regulate your own emotions, the next day to pretend that nothing happened.

He is no longer willing to coax you.


Spending little time together

The greatest meaning and value of a partner is actually companionship and sharing.

If your boyfriend loves you, even if it’s a long-distance relationship, he will find all kinds of opportunities to meet and stay together as much as possible.

But if your boyfriend starts shopping and says he’s too tired, chats and says he’s at work, goes out and says it’s not fun, and just doesn’t want to spend time with you, it’s actually a sign that he wants to break up.

He felt with you together is not fun, every day to meet is to eat, each holding their own time to play, see the favourite things also do not want to share with you, and even feel and you meet on a date is a burden.

In fact, it is not not the game is more fun than you, mobile phone is more interesting than you, just he is no longer willing to discover common fun with you.

Starting to leave yourself open

Some men want to break up, will subconsciously adjust their state, began to pay attention to the opposite sex around, subconsciously looking for a new target.

If you find that usually scruffy he began to pay attention to dress, from time to time in the mirror to freshen up, began to have a lot of buddies party, in fact, many times is the boyfriend intends to break up, in the edge of cheating crazy try.

But he wants to find a new target or a spare tyre first, ready to start a new relationship seamlessly.

It is said that love is a kind of luck, and keeping each other is a kind of choice.

Two people together need luck, need timing, need fate, but two people want to be together for a long time, but more need to insist on the courage, need to operate wisdom.

Only those who can adhere to the original heart, know how to cherish, know how to operate, always have a touch of reverence for the feelings of couples, in order to let the feelings of the long-lasting new, always flourish and exuberant.

In fact, every pair of people who love each other can be together, it has been very difficult. But when we are young we are too confident, too proud and too easy to say give up.

We are often in pursuit of a fairy tale love, so we will give up a relationship because of some very small conflicts and problems.

But we do not understand, when we are young, we give up, thinking that it is just a relationship, and later realise that what you miss is a lifetime.

So no matter boys and girls, two people together is not easy, I hope we all do not easily say give up.

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