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What if the person you like doesn’t like you?

A few days ago, Anne said something to me that made a deep impression on me.

She said, “I casually picked up FB and almost couldn’t hold back from throwing my phone, everyone else is busy falling in love, having kids, losing weight and buying clothes, but I’m still busy liking my crush, the gap between people is too big, right?

Why is it that other people’s relationships are always so smooth? Why is it that other people’s relationships are always so smooth, but I can never meet anyone I like in both directions?

Either the person I like doesn’t like me, or I don’t feel anything for the person who likes me.

Really. It’s miserable.

I told Annie that it’s actually more of a one-way love in this world than a two-way love.

It takes a lot of fate and luck for us to meet someone we like.

Otherwise, why would there be so many single dogs in the world?

Besides, where do you think the word “love-struck” comes from?

Half of the love hurts in the world come from the fact that the person I like doesn’t like me.

So what would you do if the person you like doesn’t like you?


The first thing I feel when I like someone is an inferiority complex.

I always feel like she’s so beautiful in every way, and I’m ashamed of myself.

I know what kind of guys she likes, but I can never be like that.

I feel that she is on the clouds, I can not touch the person, close to her some are afraid of tainting her.

I can’t do anything about it.

I can only watch her silently from afar. Maybe when she found the right person for her, I will slowly let go of it.

Vivia 23 Female

I once liked a boy and chased him for 2 years.

The story actually started out cheesy, it was just that I saw his sunny smile from afar one summer evening, and from then on he lived in my heart.

I began to carefully collect all the information about him and pretended to approach him without thinking.

I asked for his WhatsAPP through his classmates and chatted with him, but it didn’t help much, except that he replied to me based on politeness in the beginning, and then he didn’t care about me anymore. I’m not sure if I’ve ever had a conversation with him before, but I’m not sure if I’ve ever had a conversation with him before.

But I’m not dead, began to change ways to attract his attention, he said he likes gentle love smile looks clean girl, I began to grow long hair, study skincare, learn make-up, practice pursed lips smile; he likes music, I began to learn musical instruments, he likes football, I remediate the knowledge, just want to have more topics with him.

But it didn’t work, he just didn’t like me. He politely but firmly rejected me after my obvious pursuit.

But I was young, and I always thought that if I tried so hard, he would be touched one day!

At that time, I was too stupid, just a humble licking dog.

In fact, at that time I was not ugly, and there were many boys around me foolishly pursuing me, but I did not want to look at a glance, and kept insisting, until two years later he found a girlfriend.

That girl has short hair, looks quirky and cute, but her girlfriends all say she’s a little dark ah, and her features are not as delicate as mine.

But what does it matter? Feelings are never reasonable, like is like, like the person is can easily break the rules and regulations you have set up, don’t like is don’t like, I do more, and then excellent is no use.

To be honest, after all, had genuinely like, at that time is indeed very sad, but now when I look back again, I am still very glad that I once did so.

After all, the taste of rejection is better than the regret of doing nothing.


26 Kiki Female

There is no such thing as two lovers in the world! Even if there are two lovers, there is usually a difference between those who like each other first and those who like each other later.

So, my aim is to take the initiative and flirt with the one I like! Tease him hard!

Tease him until he likes me too.

That’s how I got my husband.

I fell in love with him first, but he didn’t have much of an impression of me at the time, so of course he couldn’t talk about liking me.

Then I took the initiative to ask for his WhatsAPP, created all kinds of opportunities to meet with him, and slowly approached him to deepen the connection between the two.

Later on, I used some small set of tricks to make him confess to me!

What I want to say is that relationships are a lot about luck, but it’s also about our efforts.

We have a hard time meeting people we like, and if we are moved, we should be brave enough to go after them!

The first thing you need to do is to take the heart for the heart, and if you get the heart for the heart, of course it is the best.

If you can’t change your heart, you can change your heart. If you don’t like me, then I don’t like you.

Love is the game of the brave, willing to gamble to lose.

I once bravely pursued, tried hard, seriously paid.

No matter how the ending, it is enough.